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Thinking forward

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Fresh start

Katelyn has been at college for almost a week now.  It occurred to me when I dropped her off that she is at the exact age I was when I found out I was pregnant.  Her life is so different from mine.  It feels wrong to say better, but it's different - more traditional, more time for her to spread her wings, etc.  And for that I am so grateful. I had Keely/Morgan for a few days, so I haven't really experienced an empty nest for a week.  I anticipate each week will bring some different feelings and observations.  This weekend I had a decent chunk of time to myself, of which I spent doing mundane house things that have been driving me nuts, doing a little bit of food prep, some cleaning, etc.  As the day went on and I did these things, I felt more and more relaxed.  Even shut off my computer for a bit. Before shutting it off, I looked through some of my old weight loss surgery photos for inspiration - and I put the "Do Life" one on my fridge.  It's hard to believe